Monday, September 23, 2019

Document: government investigating Abdul Alani's connection, to terrorist organizations

A document on file with a federal court in Miami reveals the multitude of reasons why a judge in Miami, Florida denied bail and ordered former American Airlines mechanic Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani detained pending trial. 

Court papers reveal American Airlines terminated Alani's employment and that Alani moved out of the shared rental apartment where he lived for the past eight years, facts demonstrative of Alani and his family not only lacking sufficient income but lacking sufficient ties to the Miami area. Through counsel Alani proposed that if let out on bond, he would live with a brother-in-law in Orlando.

Court records validate earlier news reports that Alani was less than candid with Pre Trial Services, failing to disclose to a PTS officer of his travel to Iraq earlier this year. This led the court to doubt whether Alani would faithfully follow the requirements of a bond. 

Furthermore, court documents available to the public make known the message and content of a video Alani forwarded to a second individual:

"The government is engaged in an ongoing investigation of the Defendant's connection, if any, to ISIS or other terrorist organizations. Law enforcement inspected defendant's personal phone and learned that he had downloaded and retained a violent propaganda video by the terrorist group ISIS, and then forwarded that video to another person with a message espousing the wish that Allah cause harm to non-Muslims." 

As is often standard procedure for County Examiner, we publish the key portions of public documents so you can draw your own conclusions about the credibility of Alani's initial claims he disrupted airline operations to get overtime as a result of stalled contract negotiations between the airline and the mechanics union.