Monday, April 20, 2020

Florida GOP releases statement on shocking tweet by Miami Herald writer

Immediate Release
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Contact: RPOF 850.222.7920

Statement by RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters
Re: Shocking tweet by Miami Herald writer
#FireFabiola #CancelMiamiHerald

“At the very moment when our state and nation are trying to come together to fight COVID-19, Miami Herald writer Fabiola Santiago issued an appalling, hate-filled tweet openly rooting for the deaths of broad numbers of Floridians who support President Trump, Gov. DeSantis and Mayor Gimenez. Santiago, a 30-year veteran of the Miami Herald, who long ago stopped pretending to be a fair and impartial journalist, does further damage to the newspaper’s fraying reputation, which has become one, long heavy dose of Trump-DeSantis attacks.

“This is far beyond the pale for civilized people. It’s time for the Miami Herald to hold Fabiola Santiago accountable and to condemn her statement.
“Gov. DeSantis has worked tirelessly, patiently and wisely to safeguard the lives of Floridians while protecting everyone’s rights. His efforts have been bold in the face of unrelenting criticism from armchair quarterbacks. Floridians are proud of Gov. DeSantis’ effective leadership.  
“I’m encouraging all reasonable-minded Floridians, who care about the lives of others — even those they disagree with — to unite in demanding that the Miami Herald take disciplinary action against Santiago, up to and including firing her.
“If you agree with us that this reprehensible conduct is unacceptable, for a supposedly professional journalist no less, take to your favorite social media platform such as Twitter and Facebook and let them know using the hashtags #FireFabiola #CancelMiamiHerald.”