Monday, June 1, 2020

Black federal officer's life doesn't matter to Black Lives Matter protestors in Florida

A Southwest Florida television station news report glossed over a "dicey" interaction that occurred during Mondays' march to the Fort Myers Police station in downtown Fort Myers and now we have a pretty good idea why the death of a federal officer was omitted from their coverage.

The death of a federal officer didnt fit the agenda-driven narrative of a peaceful protest.

In their segment titled "Protesters march to Fort Myers police station in downtown Fort Myers" the reporter covering the event described it as "about protesting the death of George Floyd and others who have lost their lives due to police killings". 

Start at the one minute mark and watch for about 45 seconds. WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

What sparked that "dicey" scene between the man and some of the other "peaceful" protestors? He was holding a photo of Federal Officer Patrick Underwood with the words "his life mattered".

According to a Breitbart News and ABC7 article black federal officer, Patrick Underwood, was shot and killed in Oakland, California, Friday night as he attempted to keep the peace amid the violent riots sweeping California and the rest of the U.S. in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota.

County Examiner located the footage of the loud, angry, triggered, screaming women who didn't want anyone to see the poster of Officer Underwood. Scroll to the 6 minute mark for the full "peaceful" effect. 

Notice what was glossed over and brushed aside as "dicey" in the NBC2 news coverage?

Apparently a black federal officers life; one lost in the line of duty in the California riots while attempting to KEEP the peace--- doesn't matter when there's a specific narrative and agenda to be pushed.