Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pressure on Congress mounts as Trump electors, "Stop the Steal" coalition hold DC press conference

The next stop on the Electoral College train is Washington, DC on January 6th, 2021. It's on this date the U.S. Congress can object to the Electoral College count, specifically from the contested states that are mired with evidence of illegal votes, illegal ballots, computer hardware and software issues, and violations of Federal and state law.

December 15, 2020: (WASHINGTON DC) -- Leaders from the official Stop the Steal coalition will call on Republican US Senators to join Congressman Mo Brooks and his colleagues in objecting to any House certification of an Electoral College count that includes contested states riddled with allegations of voter fraud and controversy.

What you're witnessing is the emergence of new, younger, social-media savvy, "America First" activists ready to replace the old, GOP-establishment "America Last" political consultant class. 

More specifically replace the washed-up, old GOP establishment political consultants who cant make any money unless they switch party affiliation and become Democrats.
Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt announced that he is registering as a Democrat after nearly 30 years with the Republican Party.