Monday, March 2, 2020

Epic FAIL! Orlando Sentinel endorses Buttigieg three days before Pete suspends his campaign for President

If regular folks need yet another reason to distrust and disregard any and all endorsements published by newspaper editorial boards, they have one now. The timing of this one endorsement is just rich--and it occurred three days before the endorsed candidate suspended his Presidential bid.

Three days ago, specifically on February 28, 2020 the Orlando Sentinel editorial board published their endorsement of Pete Buttigieg for President in the Florida Democratic primary. 

"Our endorsement in the Florida Democratic Primary: A fresh start with Pete Buttigieg" was the title of the opinion piece.

Too bad for the Orlando Sentinel editorial board that yesterday, March 1, 2020 and just two days before early voting begins in certain Florida counties in the states' Presidential Preference primary Mayor Pete suspends his 2020 Presidential campaign.

From the Washington Times:
"Pete Buttigieg on Sunday ended his run for the Democratic presidential nomination, bringing an abrupt end to a campaign that took the openly gay former mayor to the top tier of the race."
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board endorsed Buttigieg three days before Pete suspends his campaign for President; it doesn't matter how many votes Mayor Pete gets from Florida Democrats; he won't win the Democratic nomination.

Meaning this endorsement is just an epic fail for the Orlando Sentinel editorial board.