Monday, March 2, 2020

Trump, Pence, coronavirus taskforce to meet with Pharma at 3:00 pm eastern

In advance of President Trump's Keep America Great rally in Charlotte, North Carolina later today the President received his intelligence briefing and is scheduled to meet with Vice President Pence and members of the Coronavirus Task Force and pharmaceutical executives at approximately 3:00 pm Eastern.

Earlier this morning Beatriz Pascual MacĂ­as of EFE, a leading Spanish news agency shared this pool report with remarks from President Trump:

Trump mentioned that he is going tonight to North Carolina for a rally. "We are working very hard with the CDC with everybody on a subject that has become a very big subject, our country is doing very well, our professionals are doing really an incredibly job., We are also working with other countries to help them , because they really have a fear of the unknown, we are working very much with a lot of other countries, including Colombia"
"Again we are doing very well. Some additional people were reported. We are in good shape but we have additional people that were reported, and not very many in the United States. "
"I am also meeting with the pharmaceutical companies, right around this afternoon."
"We're talking about a vaccine; maybe a cure is possible. So, we'll see about that. But we're about a vaccine; and they're moving along very quickly, all of the pharmaceutical companies, are moving along very quickly"
"We've asked them to accelerate whatever they're doing in terms of a vaccine. Absolutely."