Tuesday, August 17, 2021

DACA amnesty advocate scrubbed from RNC-linked GOP Hispanic group website

A Republican National Committee-linked Hispanic organization with chapters across the United States  scrubbed the name and biography of the groups top DACA and amnesty advocate from their website, County Examiner has learned.

Congressional candidates in Florida, Texas, and other states where this group has a presence would be wise to take heed in seeking and accepting endorsements from this organization.

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly quietly deleted their former National Press Secretary, Hilario Yanez, from the Leadership page of the organizations website.

A screen shot of the RNHA's website taken June 2020 contained the name, photo, title and biography of former spokesman Hilario Eli Yanez and County Examiner saved a PDF of that web page here. (PDF here)

The Leadership page of the RNHA website now shows Yanez scrubbed from the site, 

Hmmm, why would they want to HIDE Yanez's historical affiliation with the RNHA from voters and candidates for office?

County Examiner recently reported that Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw's stepmother Carmen Crenshaws name and role as Texas Chapter Chairwoman was also deleted from the RNHA website. 

Hmm, why would they want to HIDE the Congressman's stepmothers affiliation from voters and candidates?

Yanez, a foreign national and illegal alien DACA recipient was invited to Capitol Hill for a March 2019 House Judiciary Committee hearing and via meddling in US politics and our electoral process, lobbyied Congress on the issue of passing a mass amnesty for illegal aliens and other foreign nationals present in the country--the same type of mass amnesty contained in the $3.5 trillion budget bill pending before Congress.


Here's Yanez thanking former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins for inviting NOT an American citizen but a foreign national to testify in front of Congress.

AND here's Yanez thanking the US Chamber of Commerce for their support of amnesty.

America First advocates and candidates running for office should be very skeptical of endorsements from this group. 

With a documented history of thumbing their nose at the Federal Election Commission, meddling in U.S. politics for benefit of their own personal agendas, lobbying without  FARA registration, and interfering in the endorsement processes affecting Texas Congressional AND Judicial races there are many reasons to not accept and outright reject an endorsement from this organization lest the Republican candidate become known as supporting the RNHA's objective of an American Last  mass amnesty.