Sunday, August 8, 2021

RNC-aligned Hispanic group quietly scrubbed Texas Congressman's relative from website

 An RNC-allied Hispanic organization quietly scrubbed the step-mother of Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw from the Texas Chapter Leadership section of their website. 

Why? What controversies could possibly be swirling around the group known as the Republican National Hispanic Assembly ?

But first a little background and the emphasis below is mine.

Officially organized in 1974 under the leadership of then-incumbent RNC Chairman George H.W. Bush an archived version of the RNHA website discloses the group has "been the only Hispanic Republican organization recognized as an ally of the Republican National Committee (RNC)."

Having established their alliance to the RNC (in the organizations very own words BTW), a screen shot of the RNHA's "State Chapters" section retrieved June 2020 identified Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw's step-mother serving as Chairwoman of the groups Texas Chapter.


And in their article below, the Houston Chronicle noted the relationship between Carmen Crenshaw and the then Congressional candidate:

Fourteen months later however the Congressman's step-mother is no longer listed as the Chair of the Texas State Chapter:

County Examiner previously wrote about questions that swirled around Harris County, Texas pertaining not only to foreign meddling but to an endorsement scandal in the March 2020 Texas CD-7 Congressional Republican primary race---by a DACA recipient and then National Press Secretary for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly

This news site published:
"Yanez is a DACA recipient  (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) --a foreign national, unlawfully present in the United States but allowed to work and obtain a drivers license and protected from deportation under an Obama executive order.

Foreign national Yanez is also tied to a Republican advisory board that issued THIS LIST of endorsements in Congressional and Judicial candidates prior to the March 2020 Super Tuesday GOP primary."
Exit question: Has the RNHA (and by alliance the Republican National Committee) been quietly advocating for an American Last, illegal alien amnesty of DACA recipients? 

Is this why Ms. Crenshaw's name and role as Texas State Chairwoman was scrubbed from the RNHA website?