Thursday, February 10, 2022

President Trump skewers RINO Mitch McConnell for failing to stop the fraudulent 2020 election from certification

President Trump skewered RINO U.S. Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell yesterday, in part for doing nothing to stop the most fraudulent election in American history.

Released in a tweet from the Save America PAC through spokesperson Liz Harrington the statement can now be linked directly to the January 4, 2021 letter written by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania state senators and addressed to Mitch McConnell himself.

The existence of that letter was revealed during an January 28, 2022 episode of Steve Bannon's show "War Room", which County Examiner wrote about here. 

The letter urged then U.S. Senate Majority Mitch McConnell and  and Republican Leader of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy to delay certification of the Electoral College based on 
violations of both the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions. 

As CE noted yesterday the letter was also sent to all Republican members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

One such violation at both the Commonwealth and Federal level pertained to the passage of Act 77-the law which allowed for no-excuse mail voting, which a Commonwealth court struck down as unconstitutional.

In its decision, the court noted that while the law did expand access to the ballot, the changes to mail voting laws require a constitutional amendment.


As more material surfaces linking Republican Congressional leadership and membership to requests from states to delay certification of the November 2020 election-----and with the start of the 2022 primary season right around the corner,  voters and challengers to GOP incumbents should research the public accounts to determine where their Senator or Congressman stood on the Commonwealth's request

Best you Texans do that research before early voting starts next week. If your Congressman didn't go on the record as one of the 60 joining Arizona Congressman Paul Gosars objection ---well---County Examiner won't tell you what to do.