Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Georgia GOP undermining America and the Rule of Law

Here's the latest on the ---ahem, "hand recount" underway in Georgia. Lin Wood filed an amended complaint in federal court alleging the recount is a sham and Trump campaign monitors have been denied meaningful access to the recounting process.

As you read the amended complaint note the allegation of one monitor who was instructed to arrive at the ballot counting location on Sunday November 15 between 8 and 9am (she arrived at 9am) only to learn the hand recount occurred November 14, the day prior.
But wait, there's more !

Go to Page 23 of the amended complaint for another allegation that despite public statements by Georgia SOS the recount would be a "hand recount" in reality it's a machine recount.

If there's anyone who knows that making false allegations can backfire, recall Lin Wood successfully represented Richard Jewell and Nick Sandman.