Thursday, November 12, 2020

American Thinker: PA uses Dominion Voting Systems and sends their data to who exactly?

The undisputed public record and information in the public domain is the state of Pennsylvania (and a LOT of other states) use Dominion Voting Systems (see here). Fox Business host Lou Dobbs interviewed a former Dominion employee (see here) on his show last night.

Dominion makes money via a revenue stream of taxpayer dollars from states, counties who buy Dominion Voting Systems equipment, you gotta wonder what is done with all that election data?

Is it THEIRS to SELL to anyone?
" Pennsylvania uses Dominion voting systems, which forward their data to Edison Research, which then Javascript-encodes it and sends it on to the New York Times and the networks.  So "Pede" downloaded the Edison data for Pennsylvania from the New York Times at this address and analyzed it to locate all similar vote switches, as well as for votes that just went missing." 

In addition to the NY Times look who ELSE uses Edison Research to feed and create the Electoral College map published on their website.

County Examiner will continue doing the work Big Media refuses to do. Think like Big Tech--what do they DO with the data?