Monday, November 9, 2020

Fox News anchor: "What's Happening? We CALLED it?"

County Examiner encouraged readers to learn the 2020 Electoral College Timelines (go here) and ignore the Big Media fabrication of "calling" the election based on garbage statistical, modelling of "decision desks".

We shared a photo of the Washington Times headline from November 8, 2000 (source: The Mitchell Archives) which screamed "PRESIDENT GORE" as a reminder that Big Media doesn't get to determine the outcome of any election. PERIOD.

We will
never ever again accept Big Media rejecting the Rule of Law and our Electoral College processes. Nor will we accept the crowning of the title "President-Elect" by elected officials when it is a media fabrication.

Watch Fox News anchor Sandra Smith in this video of a live feed as she is on hot mic asking "what's happening? We called it?"

The guest was Cleta Mitchell, a Washington DC-based lawyer, who was arguing on behalf of President Donald Trump's continued legal fights against the election results. Mitchell was also objecting to Fox News and other media outlets calling Joe Biden the winner.

Count Every Legal Vote. 

Follow the Constitution, the Electoral College Timeline and the Rule of Law.

Watch them panic.