Monday, November 9, 2020

Presidential Transition Act, investigations and records from prior WH Administrations

With the Big Media narrative of "declaring" their Big Media-fabricated term "President-Elect" (think "assault weapon") underway, ask yourselves what's next? 

Yesterday County Examiner published the 2020 President Electoral College Timeline; the important milestones associated with the sequential processes culminating with the joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes and declare the President and Vice President to be elected.

Where are the widespread Big Media reporting of  the Presidential Transition Act ? 

..."In passing the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, Congress explained: “Any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and well-being of the United States and its people.” To promote the orderly transfer of power, Congress established a framework for the federal government to prepare for a transition from one president to another."

The Act establishes an early and organized cadence for the federal government’s transition planning:

  • Before the election, each agency must designate a senior career official who will be in charge of transition planning, prepare transition briefing materials, and ensure that succession plans are in place so that as political appointees depart, career officials are prepared to step in place until new political appointees arrive.
  • Six months before an election, the President must establish a White House Transition Coordinating Council, chaired by a senior employee of the Executive Office of the President and consisting of other high-level officials, such as cabinet officers; the Directors of the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Government Ethics; the Administrator of GSA; and the Archivist of the United States. A transition representative of the major candidates also sits on the council. The council provides guidance to agencies on transition and facilitates communications between the administration and the transition teams.
  • The Act requires a standing Agency Transition Directors Council, co-chaired by GSA’s Federal Transition Coordinator and the Office of Management and Budget’s Deputy Director for Management, and including agency senior career officials responsible for transition activities as well as transition representative of the major candidates. This working-level council works toward an integrated, government-wide approach to transition and ensures that briefing materials are prepared.
In accordance with the Act, the required reports are published here on the General Services Administration website.

As you scan the reports, think about the ethics training, the DoD background investigations underway and documents from prior White House Administrations that are archived as required by the Presidential Records Act.